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My S.H Realism mod developed with CKR Realism in mind.....
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Default My S.H Realism mod developed with CKR Realism in mind..... - 11-28-2002, 08:45 PM

Give it a chance !

From Readme1st.txt inside :

Version 1.0
November 25, 2002
Ph-SH 1.0 Realism [ Phoenix-SpearHead Realism ]

PLEASE NOTE: Please put "[Ph-SH] Realism" somewhere in your server's description so people know you're running the mod.


The whole Realism mod is built around the famous CKR Realism by Crow King
Only smg' s and mg's are tweaked down a little bit to make rifles more useful....
WWW2 was a rifles battle too...not only mg's and smg's.
In this mod u can consider rifles a good choice !

Installation Instructions
Place the z-User_Ph-SH_1.0 Realism.pk3 file in your Spearhead \mainta directory (e.g. x:\mohaa\mainta\ ).
As long as it is there and no other mod has a higher alphabetical name, it will be in effect.

Be sure to have Realism mode ON in the server/game your running otherwise you will see no effect.

On dedicated servers put the following command line into your server.cfg file:

set g_realismmode 1

The mod is built taking in account the original MoHAA speed setting "250" value.
So plz put this line into your custom server.cfg:

// Run Speed 287 Default for spearhead 250 MOHAA
set sv_runspeed 250 the server with NO Fast Run Speed option....

Put "//" symbol into your server.cfg in the following server.cfg area:

// Fast Run Speed
// When checked, the speed at which players can run through levels is increased.
// Leaving it unchecked defaults to Medal of Honor Allied Assault's original run speed
//set sv_dmspeedmult 1.100000

In this way u will have MoHAA feeling in Spearhead.......

Bye from Italy.......
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