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Default 11-28-2002, 10:26 PM

These hackers are impersonators -- they are not 1fj and we (46th CSG) have proof. We were just attacked by this fake 1fj strapped, however we were able to get this hackers ip address. below is a description of the attack on the 46th csg main server which was witnessed by one of my officers and reported to me:

HACKED - friday night @2:40am

Yes we were hacked. I was fortunate enough to be online. The server had about 5 people on. Me, wareagle, juan, yourmom, and some other guy. We were having fun.

Then 2 guys show up. Im not gonna tell you their names yet because I think they were fake. All of a sudden a HUGE german U boat is in the center of the map (smallcity). This huge thing was rotating fast. I immediatly kick the 2 guys and restart the map to get rid of the boat.

These guys cam into the server as 1fj| Strapped and 1fj|anti human.

Then the server freezes for a sec, then the U boat pops in.

I kick them both. I restart server.

THEN 2 people join again. The names were =pfm= enzo the baker and Some other guy (i dont remember the name). BUT guess what?.... The IP's match the first 2!

They are the same persons.

I kick them again. They rejoin yet again! This time under the name strapped, and the other guy as some other different name.

I kick again. And they gave up.

We do not know who they really are for sure. All the names they used could have been fake. BUT i have their IP's. They must be banned permanently and immediatly.

To me it seems like they would be server hopping and terrorizing all night. What is to stop them from impersonating a 46th? Anyway here is the IP's. (this guy used the name 1fj|strapped and pfm|enzo) (this one used 1fj|anti human, and some others)

PS I, the leader of the 46th, spoke with the leader of 1fj and strapped, and they both were very open and not defensive, and helpful -- our clan was defeated by them in a match and we found them play with very strong tactics and skills. The Rogue ip address of the hackers has been reported to our servers leasing co. ILAN -- they will pursue legal actions. But for now look out for these ip ADDs:,
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