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Default 11-29-2002, 03:05 PM

It's funny how many people want to marginalize the role of the Western powers in World War II. Russia suffered greatly, it is true(30,000,000+ people died)but they were just as much a victim of Stalin's treachery as the German war machine. Try to make a deal with the devil(Hitler)he will come to collect with interest. That is the cold hard truth. While the Russians were beating the Germans back in the East, the Aliies(Britain, U.S., Canadians)were busy securing North Africa, Greece, Italy, neutralizing the Lufwaffe as a threat and, as someone mentioned all but annihilating the Kriegsmarine and preparing the way for the invasion of Europe. So, no nation can take total credit for defeating Hitler's armies. It was a group effort, so to speak.

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