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So.... I drank too much gin today
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Default So.... I drank too much gin today - 11-29-2002, 11:18 PM

Woa!!! I threw up like five or six times today, since I drank a waterbottle of gin. I have offended a few people, and I made some laugh. This was probably one of the worst days I've ever had involving my body, and alcohol. I am sitting here by a trash can that I threw up a bunch of gin and salad(!!), with mayo!!! Oh man, that's bad. I felt like it wasn't even me at the computer, so I'm terribly sorry to whoever i offended or talked to in a freaky way online. I'm never drinking, like that will work. :P Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go throw out my vomit into the local depository!
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