Thread: fog
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Default 11-30-2002, 06:55 PM

well firstly, the sunflare skins from issisx are nothing now, boballooo released the chameleon ones, which change colors when they are behind an object. secondly, yes no fog is considered a cheat. also skins are very easily made undetecable, the first time i made my neon skins i didnt rename the tik's like the tutorial said to, so i ended up with undetectable neons BEFORE it was even discovered how to detect em. also, just for all u guys that run delator and kick and ban people for using "aimbot skins"... there are no working mohaa aimbots, even the aimbots for counter strike are a joke. the lastest one, RaGe OGL 3.1 or something, maybe 3.2, anyways.. it rarely helps when a guy is moving, but if a guy is just standing there, it will lock on to him, so when u r bobing and weaving and some guy snipes ya in the head from across the map, dont cry out AIMBOT, cuz they DONT exist, its called skill. probably they have neon skins on which do help a lot, probably making u think someone has an aimbot. anyways i would gladyly hook ya up with no fog, but i cant here without being banned, granted i could go on getting a new account agai and again until they ban my ip, then just reset my mode. when they ban my subnet mask, ill just fire up a proxy and im good to go again. so im not here to be a bitch, just letting u all know the way things are :P
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