12-01-2002, 06:38 AM
whooaaa where did that come from Blitz? We have one of the tightest anti cheat servers on the net and also one of the most dedicated Anti Cheat Officers. His job is just to find cheats and expose/stop them.
I dont appreciate you belittleing our efforts. Tell me what you are talking about. We can't stop cheats unless we all know ablout them.
As our server software states. We catch illegal skins and hacks. If we get Tker's we are reliant on the help of those that use the servers to tell us abou them.
We are testing ne software that logs all people on out servers and we will be having an area on our site where they are names and the proof from the logs is published. Again showing cheats have no place on our servers.
We are waiting on the new version of autokick from Crow King. Hope fully that will stop TKer's as well as it may look for minus scores.
As far as lag goes humm we have had lagg but only a little and 1 of then is a Barry Server. We are working directly with Barry's World to implement new Anti Cheat software onto there servers I should think our Anti Cheat policy will not fail.
Please explain to u s all what you are talking about. I am supprissed at this comment from you of all people Blitz.