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Default 12-01-2002, 07:39 AM

Noctis, ive seen many people who were just good and kicking a clan's ass get banned for some gay reaosn like, "they had an aimbot" or "he was shooting thru walls". so i doubt u want that shit on ur list. plus bannign ips is so stupid, everytime i reset my modem i get a new one, which means some other guy with my isp is gonna find himself banned on a few mohaa servers and immune on a few otheres. ;P

anyways saying cheaters should die and rot in hell, man u need a life. this is a game as someone else pointed out. if mohaa makes up so much of ur life that u have nothing better to do then harass cheaters, then go pay punk buster about 2 million bucks so we can crack it in the first day anyways.
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