12-01-2002, 08:20 AM
The problem is not the games, movies or cartoons.
Where the hell are the PARENTS of these "kids" ?
As a parent I know what, where and when my kids are doing anything. It's my responsibility as a responsible parent to teach my kids that playing MOH or any other game or movie. Is it's just a game or movie.
If more parents where involved with their children most of this would not happen. When I say get involved I don't mean, being a over reactive parent but spending some quality time with them doing the things they want to do.
Don't just sit there shoveling money to them thinking they will love you for that. Take them to a concert ( sit behind them if your thing they might embarrass them ) or just do whatever it takes to teach them some street smarts and common sense.
The problem with too many high and might people telling me what I can and can not give show or tell my children is, They have a nannies or live in baby sitter taking care of their kids, I take care of my own!
Now it's time to take my kids to the shooting range and teach them some gun safety b4 some target practice.
Oh and yes, I did take my daughters to a back street boys concert. Man can a bunch of 14 year old girls scream louder then any Kiss, Dokken, Tesla concert put together. oOo: