12-01-2002, 07:50 PM
Thanks Capt.
To whom it may concern. IP address are public information. You can do a "whois" on any domain or registered IP address. You can find some very personal info this way. There is no legality behind "posting IP address"
You can also use the -a switch via ping and get the computer name from any IP address ( most ) . If they are static. Remeber that anyone with a dynamic IP will change their IP address and or someone else will get their old IP address. It's a long shot that the other person will play MOH let along join your server but you never know.
I just didn't think this should have been posted here on aa.com. I thank you for reconsidering what you did. This also leads me to believe that your not one of the many "cookoo ( spelling? )" admin out there who are very irresponsible with their so called list. I understand what you are doing. Just be careful who you share your info with and who you receive other IPs from.
Thanks again.