Originally Posted by r3mix
so before these kids were just camping n00bs but now they know how to tactically clear an area when they go on a killcrazy rampage.
what this army fuckwit has failed to realise (and much of your population to boot) is the US is not the centre of the fucking universe. these games have the same followings outside of the US where these school shootings dont happen more often than public holidays. the difference being that in these other countries they dont deem it necessary to have assault weapons and whatever else freely available for 'personal protection'.
maybe when the US has some more assasinations that will sort of drive the message home. all these dead schoolkids really dont seem to be making an impression on the politicians there. maybe when they get targetted instead you might see some policy change.
Ummm.....did we say we were the center of the universe? I re-read the post several times and can find no reference to US, universe, or the rest of our population. It looks like you are in the right place to me. About as far away from the US as possible. I suggest you stay there.
BTW - its not the stealing of my vcr that will get you shot, its the breaking into my house, where me, my wife and kid all feel safe, that will get you shot. Repeatedly.