Thread: Does anyone...
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Default 12-02-2002, 03:50 PM

I wouldn't mind the rockets so much if you could actually use them realistically -- so to speak. Case in point, rockets were designed to take out armor, but you don't get much of a change to do this in MP mode, likewise, they were also used to gain entry points into buildings, but again, almost no maps allow you to blast holes for this purpose (Malta did have a couple spots you could knock holes I don't know if you could use a rocket to do this.)

BTW, bazooka rocket shells weigh about 10lbs each, you really couldn't move very fast carrying more than 3 of them along with your other gear.

As for shotties, they allow you to frag without any real need to aim. Expand the spread, and only allow them in ff-on maps and you'll see the reason they weren't widely used in combat. Of course some maps actually allow you to fire over a decent distance, in which case a shottie is real handicap.
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