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kraut-kill3r is Offline
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Default 09-29-2001, 09:14 AM

Hans, you start fights all the time because of your "opinion", you see a post that someone has made, and u look at it, and think "well i see an opposite side to that, better say something..." and u do, starting shit like this, did u see how pidly my opinion was, and u disected it, it wasnt even like a fact, i was just stating that it wouldnt be as popular because not as many ppl like WW2, its not a very broad theme for a "best game ever made". And as far you not knowing anything about the cold war, but still playing operation flashpoint, that has nothing to do with it, operation flashpoint is just a very well known military game, everyone likes it, they dont care what war it takes place in. Im sure that if someone knew nothing about WW2 but the basic idea of it, and nothing more, they wouldnt choose to buy MOH:AA over say a Half-Life game..


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