<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hans:
Can you give me a reason why I should stop
having opinions? Or is it just that YOU feel everyone should agree with you because you like it that way? I feel like expressing my opinions, and I am not going to stop just because you want me to. And what do you mean "all the time", I haven't got into an argument in months. How did you get "all the time" out of that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
It doesnt matter if you havent gotten into an argument for months, thats because u have barely talked for months, when u do talk it usually starts some fight, cuz your opinion is always the opposite. And another reason you should stop having opinions is because it starts flame wars, and u never give up on them either, even when youre wrong and you're always wrong because you post stupid opinions that start arguments and then you get proven wrong but u stil dont give up. And i dont care if ppl agree with me or not, i posted my opinion on why its not going to be the best game ever and it makes sense, most ppl dont know enough about WW2 to care about investing in a WW2 game. And
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hans:
And I disagree, I choose to express my opinion. You disagreed that this could be "the best game ever", and expressed why. Stop telling me not to do exactly what you are doing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You arent doing exactly what im doing, i expressed my opinion on the topic, and it was truly what i feel, i didnt just post it to start a fight, you posted your opinion on my reply, its completely different, its what u always do, choose the opposite side of someones opinion on a another thing.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hans:
That has everything to do with it. You gave me an example of you friends not knowing anything about WW2, and not caring about MOH. I gave you an example of me not knowing anything about the "Cold War", and being interested in OP: Flashpoint. To show you that what happened in your example will not happen to everyone.
Operation Flashpoint is a Huge game! its very very popular because of just all the cool military stuff in the game, every gamer knows about it, almost NO gamers know about MoH:AA, if i go into a Counter-Strike game and mention MOHAA, no one will know what im talking about, if i mention OP:Flashpoint, they know exactly what im talking about, your example means nothing.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hans:
Why do they need to know a great deal about WW2 to enjoy the game? It's not like they would have anymore then the same basic idea about the "Aliens invade research facility" theme. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Aliens invading a research facility was nothing that realy happend, Half-Life is just a broader topic, it has fun military stuff, with killing aliens, killing scientist, and awesome graphics (well when it came out it did, it stil does..) and i said "A Half-Life Game" meaing any half-life game, like Counter-Strike or DoD or whatever..And ppl dont need to know a great deal about WW2 to like it, but they have to know about WW2 in order to want the game, because i know that if someone didnt know anything about WW2, they would just buy some other game. And u do need to know about WW2 to like it more, because if u didnt know shit about WW2, then it wouldnt be fun using all the weapons, and playing all the major battlesw, and killing certain enemies etc.
"wir sind der allerbeste."