Thread: Autokick is GAY
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Default SERVER ADMINS - 12-02-2002, 11:41 PM

heres somethin else these guys dont get. they have no idea the time spend setting up a quality server not to mention the expence involved. they just hope into a game and think it oughta be just the way they want it or they start complainin about the way things go or the way its set up. you spend the time to mod a map or 4. guys dont like it so they say its ghey..wich by the way ill kick a guy in the blink of an eye for usin that word..when someone uses that it tells me the guys an idiot anyway so why let him stay. the regulars on my server are mostly adults and have been with me for a long time. we welcome new players until they wear out there welcome . on my server its not a democracy. i make all final calls on players gettin kicked. operative words being..( MY SERVER ) so complain if you want but dont expect to be there long if you do.CAUSE LIKE IT OR NOT !! THE SERVER ADMINS RUN THERE OWN SHOW !! . as for auto kick..its set at 200. IF YOU WANNA RUN WITH THE BIG DOGS!!!..UPGRADE..YOUR PISS POOR MACHINE IS NOT THE SERVER ADMINS PROBLEM..ITS YOURS.. just my opinion...BUTCHER
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