Thread: Autokick is GAY
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imported_Sitting_Duck is Offline
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Default 12-03-2002, 03:21 AM

I played for years on a slow 56k modem.....I dealt with it and was always able to find a server that would run at my speeds. I also know there are still servers with out autokick on them because I have visited many servers with laggy players.
Some things I did to compensate for the slow connection was.....get games that don't require multiplay and/or keep hunting for a server I can play on. I lived on Maui....and Island that thought the Rainforrests of Hana deserves broadband before Kihei did...Kihei has a super computer and was at one point the fastest growing community in the USA. Now that I am not there everyone has BB.

The point is you will get BB sooner or later. If you don't then the choices you have to play games are what I have already stated. I do understand your frustration. But what you fail to understand is that as far as I can see a larger population of BB players then there is 56kers. With that and the fact that the owners of the servers out there are shelling out a nice wadd of cash for everyone to enjoy for free means you will have to deal with what they want. And if the owners of the servers want to run thier autokick programs they will.
If you were to go to a server which was running a mod of any sort is it your right to order the Admins to turn them off? No its may not be what you want to hear but its the plain truth.

As an admin I know now more than ever high pingers cause major havock on a server. The new code used to deal with a lagging player creates gameplay problems which never affected MOHAA. In fact I have been witness to more than one lagging player holding a higher score because its harder to hit them with the new programing in SH. And if its between the AOL or any other dial up player and the guy forking out $40+ dollars a month well the choice is again a simple one to figure out. Ok I guess its time to flame me right? mmmmmmmmmmmm roast duck! freak:
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