12-03-2002, 10:03 AM
The KAR98.
Why? The sound.
The new spearhead sniper rifles are too weak, and there's no difference between the Springfield and the KAR. Consider:
Russian SVT40 sniper rifle
DM Damage: 50
DM Realism Damage: 50
Firedelay: .85
German Gewehr 43 sniper rifle
DM Damage: 50
DM Realism Damage: 50
Firedelay: 1.45
Allied Springfield '03 sniper rifle
DM Damage: 100
DM Realism Damage: 100
Firedelay (Spearhead) 1.74 (Allied Assault) 1.25
German KAR98 sniper rifle (Allied Assault)
DM Damage: 100
Firedelay: 1.25