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Default 12-04-2002, 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by Strik0r
anyone who effectively uses a SMG is a cheater? i spent a week perfecting my skills with the CKR mp40 so i could make good long range shots. that's not cheating it's called determination.

see my point about the mohaa community? every time someone gets a good shot someone crys cheater. it's stupid and people need to just accept their losses and play the god damn game.

how many kills did this admin actually get? i doubt he could go on a 50/0 rampage with a simple texture "hack".
Na , i don't say this . I use smg pretty well smg and i never cheated.

Look , i don't call other cheater because i lost . I call them cheater because i almost lost.

They was not good yesterday , and today they are god !?
No way . After some monhts maybe . Not some day.

Cmon , you will see . When an anti cheat will come out or sv_pure , a lot will leave or change name and ladder rank will change a lot.

Last things . I saw some meduim smg turn to GOD SMG and TURN back to medium smg some times after . This is not a joke.
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