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Default 12-04-2002, 02:21 PM

I was like you Strik0r about 1 mohts ago.

Let me explain.

Some one say i was cheating whit no recoil mod in my server some monhts ago.

I said : What is no recoil?
(yes , i din't know recoil word in english . I was saying "POWER UP" of gun in the past)

So , this day i learn a new english word : "recoil"

Some time after that , i saw a thread on twl about norecoil mod.
Now the light open in my head.

For the first time , i did a research on the web for multiplayer cheats.
I found them all . THe cheat are so easy to find , i can't believe that . I never trought some site was dedicated for cheating. Naif je suis .

After this day , all was clear . Now i understand everythings .
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