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Default 12-04-2002, 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Strik0r
Originally Posted by Matrf


SOME PLAYER was meduim at SMG.

And they was GOD for some time after that (no recoil mod)

And they stop cheating and turn back to medium smg.
wasn't there already a huge discussion on no-recoil mods? if i remember correctly they don't make you a magical god player, i believe someone even posted a screenshot. so it removes your view kick? big deal. it's not like it affects the bullet spread, which would need to be done to turn someone into a magical long-range smg-sniper now wouldn't it?

can you also explain how they simply turn it on and off at will? and also, if you have the "god" smg why change it back at all?

Umm you seams to miss somethings.

Recoil do most of its effect at medium long range . At short range , someone whit no recoil will be very good . At medium long range , someone whit no recoil will be medium smg .

Thats why i tell you : The real skilled smg will be sniper whit a smg becusae they are skilled.

The no recoil user will be only good at close range , thats why i have spot them all .
Some DON'T EVEN TOUCH ME WHIT A WHOLE CLIP AT LONG RANGE . At close range they are almost my match . Cmon .

I don't say they turn the cheat off.

I am telling you . They was not cheating . They have start to cheat to be more good . They was not proud and they finaly stop cheating.
Thats why i know a lot was cheating but they don't anymore.
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