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Re: make sure u dont put up mirrors without consent
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Default Re: make sure u dont put up mirrors without consent - 12-04-2002, 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by "-
EcM[- Vip4eE":d37bf]People make sure u don't put up mirrors without my consent.

I love for my information to be free, so i am hoping before a mirror is being put up people contact me first.
Seeing as how you don't want people to mirror your information with out asking. Maybe you should ask The Coalition To Save ED!.
If you can use the information he figured out.
1 if version ~!= "*Medal*" remove
2 if protocol == "15" goto 4
3 remove

Without it this wouldn't work.

It seems a little strange to tell people not to mirror your ASE fix.
When the main reason it works was figured out by someone else.[/quote:d37bf]

Ask for permission for a fix that nearly a BILLION people have figured out on their own? What kind of crap is that? All someone needs to do is make their own little filter, upload it to some shitty website, and bam - free access 24/7. Hell I could do that. I prefer the method that I (and the entire state of TEXAS) figured out how to do. The "filter" thing is only good for a PRETTY ICON (since it wont pick up ALL the servers).

You may continue.

Oh, and this isn't your intellectual property ECM. You're "tweaking" the filter for a program that isnt copyrighted to you. ASE could put this "fix" on their website, claim its theres and you wouldnt have a leg to stand on.
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