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Re: Whats with the new breed of lamers???
Hans-AlbinVonReitzenstein is Offline
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Default Re: Whats with the new breed of lamers??? - 12-05-2002, 01:19 AM

Originally Posted by pest
The suicide grenaders seem to be everywhere now. Where did these losers come from? It seems to be the new method of deriving enjoyment by ruining the game for others. Spearhead just makes the matter worse. Now, instead of being able to shoot these guys and run away before the nade goes off, the short fuse catches you every time. These little girls can just pull the pin and chase you until the grenade goes off. WTF!!!!!

EA owes us a patch. At least something to make SH only as buggy as MOHAA. What horseshit! mad:

EA turned there attention towards bf1942 and the expansion pack for it coming next year
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