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Man what the hell is with the SH maps?
Airborne Butters is Offline
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Default Man what the hell is with the SH maps? - 12-05-2002, 01:29 AM

Alright I've just about been fed up with the shittiness of SH maps. I played on every map in every kind play, realism and stock, etc.... All I have to say is that the original maps are fuckin better. Everything looks to un-realistic and happy. Holland? gimme a break more like "EA map designers got high and went to Disney World". Brest.. hmm let's make a hole in the ground! Yea that'll add to the already error filled game! OOH! What about Untersite! Talk about your spawn camping-closed in- chop filled map! The only good maps on SH are the tow maps. Berlin is good, Ardeness is brilliant, but for god sakes TDM maps blow like Elton John at a truck stop!

Stadt is alright, at best it's mediocore..

Gewitter is always nice, but I liked it when it was called THUNDER!

Basically it's 1 AM here and got done playing a full day of SH and AA, only to discover, and like Strik0r has posted many times, that I pissed away 30 bucks on this crapola.

Also this goes out to EA! eh hem "Get off your lazy asses, your fucked up non commuting corprate assholes"
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