12-05-2002, 11:34 AM
First of all I don't think the maps are that bad. Ok Brest isn't too bad its a rip off of DV, but it still has some fun parts and some good areas for close and long range fightning. Bahnholf is not too bad, pretty fun. I do agree that Holland is way to bright and cheery for a Battle. Ok ubersitte sucks, I agree totaly with this, I have removed it from my rotation. I have no problem with the other maps either Malta, Bazaar, and Vershniete(Sp?) are ok. I also like the TOW maps too, but on a small server they don't work as well. Its funny the maps I can't stand are the ones that the contest winners made Gewhitter and Stadt are boring to me. As far as the Spawn killing goes, I have done what the guys on the MOB server have done and increased the invulnerability time to 5-8 seconds to keep spawn killing campers to a minimum.
I don't know what you are looking for, maybe you (and everyone else who's been complainging about SH) had way to high of expectations of the expansion. Its just a game, and believe me if they made a map you liked someone on this forum would, come post a complaint how they didn't like it.
I have been playing video games for a long time and no game has really kept me interested in playing continuosly like MOH, I find as with probably most people on this forum, that we get a little to involved with playing and forget that this is just a game.
Not trying to be an ass, im just making an observation of what I see alot around here (myself included).