12-05-2002, 11:38 AM
Well, I sell these things day in day out. What I ask the customers is what are they looking for more.....a wide selection of not always fantastic games, or a smaller selection of graphically better and more quality titles, with consoles that are able to play DVD with crystal clear quality.
Sure, the PS2 has a larger range of games, some good, most bad....and as Gerard and I have already established, quantity doesnt always add up to quality. Many games on the PS2 add up to shit, believe me, I know what I'm talking about...I work at EB.
The PS2 maybe the bigger seller, perhaps it's because it's been around for a while longer. perhaps it's because of it's bigger range of games, but I can tell you for certain, the Xbox is better than the PS2.
Do you like DVD's ?? Do you like playing a few games with nice frame rates and graphics which cant be achieved on the PS2 ? Do you like Internet gaming ? From what I've heard and seen, the Xbox WILL provide you with all these things. Sure, the PS2 has it's own Internet connection ability, and a few nice titles that take advantage of the the PS2's online abilities, but once again, I can tell you with absolute certainty that the Xbox has the better line up of games for online play now and into the future.
Basically, all I can do is tell you to research each console and come to a conclusion which best suits you and your family. Am I a fanboy ?? No. I have both an Xbox and PS2. Each time a customer asks me the question of which is better, I can answer them with a truthful response. The Xbox is better, in all areas, bar range of titles....but I think we can answer that area with a pretty reasonable response....the PS2 has been out longer.
Take my advice, dont listen to the fanboys out there. Decide what you think will do your family the best in terms of entertainment, in whatever aspect that may be. Good luck to you, I hope you find the perfect system for your needs.
By the way. the GameCube, although not as highly hyped up as the Xbox or PS2, is still a fantastic little system..dont pass it off either. Sorry if none of this made sense, I'm a little inebriated at the moment wink: But I'm sure I made myself pretty clear biggrin: