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Default 12-05-2002, 07:29 PM

Holland wouldn't be that bad if they made more of it accesible. It's confined to a couple buildings and shitty railway track. All the doors where you think "ahh man, I can pick off some people up there" are the locked ones. Theres not to much cover... and although I hate snipers, those windmills would be an excellent vantage point. Untersite is just plain crap in a flaming bag.. Also alot of the maps seem so much smaller and closed in. The desert level (forget what it's called..w/the maket?) is so patehtically designed. I mean come on EA, I know you make lots of games but we expect a little more than "shitty" standards from you, although thats all we've recived! I swear to god, this game is like HL games! Everything good about it revolves around the community! Like Crow King with his autokick and realism! I like how EA slipped that in SH and tried making it look like it was theres. Fireable Flak 88's thanks to Powell! Plus where are the tanks? or REAL deployable MG's! Seems like all the good maps are custom ones.. like Thunder 2 is looking verrrrry nice (a.k.a Gewitter why?). Island Assault is so much fun! Omaha 2 is great!
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