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OF Planes, Tranes, and ANGELS from HELL
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Default OF Planes, Tranes, and ANGELS from HELL - 12-05-2002, 11:58 PM

evil: angel: Yes guys I am just here checken up on everyone and how things are going at my original forums. I dont even know why I come back anymore seeing I dont even have time or do I play mohaa anymore but some of the people here I just got attached to too great to forget. Well my life is going good, still in health and just wanna check up on some of my old buddies. How is the world of Mohaa going for everyone? whats new in the game? My birthday is on monday, turnen the big 1 6. Well guys I wish you a happy holidays, god bless you all and maybe Ill check in a few times over the holiday break.

P.S. Anyone from the magnificent 7 still here? cool:

Registered: May, 2001 The day: well..... 3 days before mister wookie did thats all I can remember
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