I want to see all the things in these great edits by MI TROOPER!!!!!!!
- Good Bullet Tracers
- Great and powerfull Bullet Impacts (check out the impact near the medic in the edit!)
- Muzzle flash on all weapons! (i don't care if some weapons didn't have muzzle flash, it looks better and more powerfull if they do!)
The German bunkers on the Omaha Beach level REALLY NEED SOME GOOD MUZZLE FLASH EFFECTS!
- BETTER ANIMATION! (especially death animations need allot of improvement in MOHAA)
- And Yeah, indication of BLOOD!!!
- Here's a tip for 2015, check out Return to Castle Wolfenstein. This game allready has almost (hopefully the final game will have more varied death animations) everything i mentioned above...and it's only the Multiplayer Demo

, can't wait for the final version!
That's It...
[This message has been edited by J_Rico (edited October 02, 2001).]