umm well just about all of that stuff is in the game....
A realistic location based damage model for people and vehicles. check (vehicles not sure)
Authentic weapons perfomance (accounting for range, deflection, armor thickness, and weather) as realistic as can be simulated in PC software. check
Basically I'd like MoH:AA to be a ground breaking tactical shooter, not Counterstrike with WW2 small arms. mostlikey a check
and the full speed thing we dont know yet, post it again int he BOD forum
"I tryed so hard and got so far but in the end it doesnt even matter...i had to fall to loose it all but in the end it doesnt even matter...." -Linkin Parks "In the End"
"I....I feel so alive for the very first time...i cant deny u" -P.O.D's "Alive"