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See what I mean?
Max Raven is Offline
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Default See what I mean? - 12-08-2002, 11:11 PM

It did not take long for this to turn into a swearing match, and the attitude of "my dad can beat up your dad" type of replies.

As for newbies, or noobies, last time I checked we were all new to these forums, and Medal Of Honor Allied Assault.

My point was simple: If you having nothing helpful to say why say anything.

Some players actually like to use these forums for information on the game. But it would seem now days you have to wade through the useless replies to get any good information.

And last time I checked forks were for eating not sticking into someones rectum.

So like I said in the begining put your rifle were your mouth is and come on over to the |RR| server at IP: and let me fill you with bullet holes.

|RR| Max Raven
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