12-09-2002, 01:51 AM
Need to contribute my 2 cents. I was on the server earlier. I wasn't actually listening to anything they were saying. But I do know that we have autokick display messages about server rules at random intervals. So either Butters wasn't paying attention to the announcements or he was just being an idiot. Either way, I do agree he was getting out of line. We like to keep things running well so we ask people to be respectful of everyone else on the server.
Now I think perhaps it was something between Blitz and Butters, usually Blitz isn't that excitable. And to anyone he may have offended I extend condolances.
And as for the matter of the Gewehrgranate. There is a difference between the 2. A gewehrgranate has a longer range and a unlimited fuse. It also detonates on impact. So essentially all you have to do is point and shoot. And the shotgun issue is being addressed. As for rockets I'm comtemplating bringing them back on the server. The guys at 2015 did a better job of limiting it.
And strikor I agree completely. If a person is gonna snipe they should use a sniper rifle.
Anyways I just had to do my PR crap. Once again Butters sry for the kicking. But if you did not like the rules you could have just left and not caused problems.