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Default 12-09-2002, 09:47 AM

Zone :

i was contimplating the same thing. I was skeptical about this patch, and what things it would change. When i first got it, all servers were still at 2.0 and i thought that i would be screwed if i updated to 2.11. I waited 2 days and saw that most servers were going to 2.11. So i installed the patch, but ran into several problems. Figured out that I had to uninstall SH, then reinstall it, then install the Patch. Now, its the best thing ever. New Weapon, New Map, and finally all those bug fixes they promised. I strongly advise going to 2.11. Oh, and yes. SV_PURE does work. Cheaters are finally going away. Framerate has also been improved. Not as much as I had hoped but overall, about 7 to 10 increase on everymap.

Good Luck in your decision. 2.11 won't let you down. cya.
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