They mutilated mohaa :( -
12-10-2002, 11:56 AM
I cant believe what they have done to mohaa with spearhead!
Heres a list of my HATES about spearhead...
1) They altered the runspeed/jump height
2) The join txt is now in the d*mn speach txt
3) You cannot hold a primed nade
4) They removed/altered the voice-menu (WTF were they thinking, didnt they ever play mohaa to know you learned these by heart?)
5) When you zoom with scope you sometimes shuffle slower for no reason
6) The neon symbol above your head when you voice-msg, like a huge flag saying kill me plz
7) You cant open doors whilst holding a nade, like you only have one arm
8) No buddy jump (YES it was fun and NO not everyone cheated with it, if you consider it a cheat, I dont as in real life you use ppl to help you up to high areas)
9) They made every gun super accurate WHY! when the mohaa formula was `perfect` now i get sniped from 200 yrds with a pistol!
10) I paid money for the damn thing
11) EA`s monkeys got paid my damn money for the damn thing lol
Anyone else have any gripes?