12-10-2002, 12:26 PM
First I want to say THANK YOU for starting an original thread that we haven't seen before. It's so refreshing with all the rehashed and redone threads out there -
[quote:5da35]1) They altered the runspeed/jump height[/quote:5da35]
Admins can change this.
[quote:5da35]2) The join txt is now in the d*mn speach txt[/quote:5da35]
A MINOR problem. Stop focusing on what fools are saying and play the game.
[quote:5da35]3) You cannot hold a primed nade[quote:5da35]
Good. I was sick of shooting people with primed nades and the fucking things going off when they died.
[quote:5da35]4) They removed/altered the voice-menu (WTF were they thinking, didnt they ever play mohaa to know you learned these by heart?)[/quote:5da35]
Ahhhh....you have to learn new key binds for a NEW game - whatever were they thinking.
[quote:5da35]5) When you zoom with scope you sometimes shuffle slower for no reason[/quote:5da35]
Stand still.
[quote:5da35]6) The neon symbol above your head when you voice-msg, like a huge flag saying kill me plz[/quote:5da35]
Shut up then.
[quote:5da35]7) You cant open doors whilst holding a nade, like you only have one arm[/quote:5da35]
[quote:5da35]8) No buddy jump (YES it was fun and NO not everyone cheated with it, if you consider it a cheat, I dont as in real life you use ppl to help you up to high areas) [/quote:5da35]
Where the "roll eyes" icon when you need it.
[quote:5da35]9) They made every gun super accurate WHY! when the mohaa formula was `perfect` now i get sniped from 200 yrds with a pistol![/quote:5da35]
See above.
[quote:5da35]10) I paid money for the damn thing [/quote:5da35]
[quote:5da35]11) EA`s monkeys got paid my damn money for the damn thing lol [/quote:5da35][/quote:5da35][/quote:5da35]