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Mr_nStuff is Offline
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Default 12-10-2002, 05:32 PM

I downloaded the latest mouseware...

Let me explain what threw me over the edge and forced me to return the Logitech..

Here is the MOHAA bindings in question:
bind MOUSE3 "+moveup" // <--- pressing in the mousewheel is MOUSE3
bind MWHEELDOWN "+attacksecondary"
bind MWHEELUP "CAF1" // <-- Alias for voice commands

Ok.. Right now while reading this.. Press the mousewheel in.. You see how it scrolls the browser now when you move up and down? Ok.. Press it again to stop doing that..

Well that's the problem!! When I press that button in MOHAA and every other game.. It JUMPS!!... That's my jump button.. it's always been..

But with the latest Logitech software.. When I pressed my jump button.. It did that universal scroll crap in the game!! Err!!!!! So pressing the jump button in the game turns mouse movement-up into voice taunts, and mouse movement-down into secondary fire! lol

I even disabled that per Logitech web support.. But the middle button still wouldn't jump. It wouldn't even assign..

Uninstalling the software allowed me to use the middle button to jump.. But that also turned my mouse into a permanent 3 button only mouse.
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