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Default 10-06-2001, 12:06 AM

Ya I don't mind waiting a while, while they polish it up. But I just wish they would give out the demo to tide us over.


"One of the bravest men that I ever saw was a fellow on top of a telegraph pole in the midst of a furious fire fight in Tunisia. I stopped and asked what the hell he was doing up there at a time like that. He answered, 'Fixing the wire, Sir'. I asked, 'Isn't that a little unhealthy right about now?' He answered, 'Yes Sir, but the Goddamned wire has to be fixed'. I asked, 'Don't those planes strafing the road bother you?' And he answered, 'No, Sir, but you sure as hell do!' Now, there was a real man. A real soldier," General George S. Patton. <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>
101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny</A>
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