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MOH:AA graphical glitches?
uno_dos is Offline
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Default MOH:AA graphical glitches? - 12-10-2002, 11:06 PM

Sometimes when I'm playing my screen with flash grey for a spit second, it doesn't happen that often but it seems to happen more often indoors.

Also, how do I get rid of the problem were when I turn from left to right part of the screen will move but the other top half will kind of lag behind, gets sort of annoying....

example: imagine thats a wall below, it should look like this:
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But when I look to the right with my mouse it looks like this for a second(ignore the dots, I need them for it to indent):
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Then the top part catches up with the bottom a split second later, so it looks like this again:

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lol, I cant believe I explained it like that, anyway, hope you get the picture....
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