12-11-2002, 10:12 AM
1. We killed "Charlie" in Vietnam.
2. The weapon is only as good as the guy using it.
3. The kill ratio in the Vietnam War was 20 to 1. do the math...America lost 58,000 men...what is 58,000*20?it = a lot of dead "Charlies"
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I Think American will be drawn into a war.....but near the middle east area....but near 38th Parallel....A War with North Korea...which may eventually cause a chainreaction which will also bring China into it.
China doesnt worry me much...besides the Nuc. Weapons....All they have going for them is numbers...Their militaryand economy is in shambles like the russian military...and the Russians arnt even "commies" anymore...China would be fighting with allies that couldnt defend a hamburger stand.