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Default 12-11-2002, 11:56 AM

Why do I get the ugly feeling in my stomach that a bunch of kids are typing all this shit in their rooms? That sk-whatever got raped one TOO many times by the weapons they have banned.

Ahem. Noob weapons huh? Yea your're right, the rifle, with a one-shot-one-kill to seemingly ANY part of the body. That's not an easy weapon to use. Or how about the SMG that now seems MORE accurate and MORE deadly than the MG. No n00b weapon there.

Here's the plain old facts, on a small map, people are going to have shotguns and going to do damage. On a large map, they'll probably go for Zooks. HOWEVER - if you CANNOT put down an idiot running at you with a shotgun or a bazooka (ESPECIALLY since you cant fucking fire the thing now in SH while mobile), then you deserve to get owned. Bottom line. The guys racking up dozens of kills with the ZOOK aren't some n00bs who just grabbed a weapon and have decided to go ass crazy with it, because you wanna know what. those fucks are the first ones down with a HORRIBLE kill/death ratio. I dont mind someone with a ZOOK who knows about splash damage and where to stand to not expose themselve with the zook, killing me over and over again.

Same with a shotgun user (guilty as charged). This is my WEAPON of choice. I love it. Am totally down with the shotty. When you have a weapon that REQUIRES you to actually go toe to toe with someone, that my friends is skill. Being able to dodge some idiots MG fire and getting in close enough to put them down.

As far as "it takes skill to use a rifle" - gimme a fucking break. There is no more camp-happy weapon than the rifle and the SNIPE. The very NATURE of the fucking weapons is an immobile, stationary position to effectively put down your opponent. I at first thought that YEA, it does take some skill to put down a moving target. Bullshit. It took me all of an hour to really get down "leading" a target, or just putting a bullet in his chest. Not that hard. Especially when most MG or ZOOK users become stationary themselves in order to more effectively shoot them.

So, the basic point of this meandering reply is to poopoo on everyones parade. Each and every weapon has it's own degree of n00bocity (::rollseyes:, and it's really just a bunch of brats abusing a weapon (while getting no REAL good score), that have vexed folks like sks so much. I mean, I know we ALL have been on the servers where someone is getting chewed up by a specific weapon, they get sick of it, switch to the WEAPON YOU ARE USING, and attempt to get some revenge.

And then you rape em so more.
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