12-11-2002, 02:50 PM
well first off is a network IP. 192.168 is always for the network (or 0.0.0 something there are others) 0.2 is your computer, that means it is #2 on the network hub.
To find out your IP Address for your system there are 2 ways to do this.
First if you have windows 98-ME go to start/run on your desktop and type winipcfg in the run prompt. A window will appear and show your IP, you may have to switch between gateways for your IP (the drop down menu) One is your network one is for your modem.
For Windows XP go to start/programs/Accessories/Command Prompt. On your desktop.
*This is not a dos prompt, it is a similar prompt that does the samething as dos, windows XP does not run on DOS.*
type ipconfig into the black box, and you will see a list of IP addresses.
IP Address:------------------------Is your REAL IP ADDRESS for the computer your on not for the network.
Subnet Mask: dont worry about that
Default Gateway: Same as your IP Address
If you have your network enabled ( I dont at the time) you will have network IP addresses that look like
So to get people to play on your server, you must first get your IP address, then tell it to people.
Also just FYI, Ive never hosted on a network before, you might not be able to seeing the connection is coming off the other computer, You might need to host the server on the host computer, not sure seeing Ive never tried, my PC is host computer heh.
Hope that helps.