Originally Posted by zverushka
Tiger II no way could defeat it, they couldn't even target the bloody things, and what, there were like 10 made?
499 Tiger II's were produced.
[quote:ec375]Tiger Is were crap, expensive, slow, UNMANEUVRABLE.[/quote:ec375]
The Tiger I was one of the most maneuverable tanks. Haven't you ever read a book?
[quote:ec375]Pz 4s DIED to ANY T34, KV1, or anything with a semblence of firepower, what the fuck are you smoking? Sure, it might defeat a BT-5, but thats from the bloody 20s[/quote:ec375]
Well considering the fact firstly that a machine cannot "DIE", the T-26, T-27, T-40, T-50, and T-60 were easy meat for any german tank. Also the KV-1 is a heavy tank so comparing it to a medium tank is like saying "A nuclear missile could kill that piece of shit M1 Abrams" While we are talking about KV's, why not mention the KV-2 built so shitty that it's turret couldn't rotate if it was on an incline.
[quote:ec375]About the FW190 thing- thast why the luftwaffe completely lost any air superiority on the eastern front- because it had better airplanes?[/quote:ec375]
More likely because they were outnumbered 3:1.
[quote:ec375]You moron, dod you know that the russian space program was the firts to get into space? Do you know that most ISS personel are Russian? idiot, read a fucking book, get off the computer and get a fuckign education, please [/quote:ec375]
An education like yours? Yeah they were the first to get into space, but have you ever read about their failures and how they covered them up?
[quote:ec375]The kursk submarine was a fuckup, but an isolated one.[/quote:ec375]
That's like saying Bush bieng a moron is an isolated incident. I could dig up quite an array of soviet naval blunders if you wish. Also the retaking of a Theatre and killing 112
HOSTAGES sounds like yet another resounding success.