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can anyone make me a custom skin?????? (MAY be rewarded)
[bnkrJ] Army 0f 0ne is Offline
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Default can anyone make me a custom skin?????? (MAY be rewarded) - 12-11-2002, 09:05 PM

Hey guys, my name is [bnkrJ] Army 0f 0ne and I of a member of a clan called [BNKR]. I had already made a reply on some posts but I wanted to ask anyone who is willing..... Can anyone make me a skin for spearhead????

A US paratrooper with face paint and other crap ( You can add cool stuff if you like) with the following weapons......

1 mousin nagant rifle (Russian rifle)
2 springfield sniper
3 stg44 machine gun (German Machine gun)
4 Sten smg (British smg)
5 Bazooka
6 Mills grenade
7. The british pistol

I would apreciate it very much.......

-Army 0f 0ne
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