12-11-2002, 10:12 PM
[quote="Sniper Wolf [USAR]":24db6]yea and how old are you? You sound like a 10 year old swearing and this and that.
It is a game, servers restart, who cares, notthing to swear about, saying your gonna kill someone, clearly stating that, and if he did see that and took a screenshot of it, he could press charges on you for threating him.
Dont make an ass of yourself now. If you want to get apoint across dont make yourself look like him.[/quote:24db6]
you don't mind when the server force-restarts every 45 seconds?
you must not enjoy actually PLAYING too much.
PS. IMNSHO hacking into another person's PC, server, etc. should have severe legal reprecussions (like bodily harm), because breaking into a computer is no different than breaking into your house and wrecking stuff in it, and most people respond to home invasion by SHOOTING the invader.