12-12-2002, 12:49 AM
well, thanks!
This particular skin is one of several in the series, this one has the blue squares on his collar, signifying that he is an Oberleutenant, or the equivelant of an American Lt. I also have this skin with a helmet, and with a regular (as opposed to longsmock) uniform. I custom did all of the facepaint, and the camo is actually an Austrian camo based on the "Pea" camo of the German SS during WWII. Each and every skin in this series is the same camo style, but it is NOT all in the same place. Each different rank has been individually re-skinned to avoid "that one red splotch" being in the same spot on every skin. Each rank also has his own facepaint, and there are plans to add a female skin to the series.