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Default 12-12-2002, 04:19 PM

The sniper rifle is for pussies? HAHAHAHA! Your a fucking funny cunt aren't you? Well, your entitled to your opinion even tough you are being a dickhead about it. Why dont we just ban EVERY weapon that youdont like so it will be a fairgame? Huh? The reason the sniper rifle is there is for skilled players (hint, hint lol) who can snipe people with ease. I dont just camp there with the sniper rifle! You cant do that. One shot will just gove away your position. And, when that happens to me i grab my rifle and run around like a crazy man looking for some throats to pop. Then, i get into some cover, and start poping some more throats.

Do you think in WWII people used to just run around like loonies with shotguns going "Waaaaaaaaa!!!! A sniper!!! He is a cheater because he is campind and he shot me in the throat!!!". No, they didn't. So cram it.

Oh, and this isn't a flame post against you, Crunch. Its directed to anyone who thinks Snipers are campers. mad:

Nuff said about that.

*Gets back on topic.* The Allied machine gun sucks.
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