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Join Date: Sep 2002
Default 12-12-2002, 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by vVolf
The reason the sniper rifle is there is for skilled players (hint, hint lol) who can snipe people with ease.
FYI, I am very skilled with the sniper and 99% kill with 1 shot. That's not the reason I don't like it. And I don't take your flaming personally. Everyone has their own opinions.
But where's the "strategy" of spawn killing in a Free For All environment? That's like taking candy from a baby and nothing to take pride in. As hard as I try, I find no strategy there. Team? Objective? Snipe all you want. That's just one man's opinion. And as far as WWII authenticity goes, since you brought it up, how authentic is the FFA environment anyway? You've got Axis killing Axis, Allied killing Allied......... Now I don't remember those battles in WWII.
Everyone has their own style and more power to them, it doesn't mean everyone else has to like it.
Lastly, isn't a server putting in a weapon mod what HE likes? No problem there, though, huh?

Kill Ya Later!
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