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[bnkrJ] Army 0f 0ne is Offline
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Default 12-12-2002, 10:08 PM

OK! Listen up.... This is the truth of all weapons........................................... ..................................

1. machine guns are also up there with the shoties. all those people are mg fags, are also mg and smg butt sprayers..... play on a server with realism, and they spray you, you die.....

2. Shotguns suck. 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 people can back me up that they are the worst weapons. of course you would have to move around alot, because its a shotgun! not a sniper rifle, but when you got a weapon so powerful that you could take on 5 people at once, I can classify that as ''cheap'' I think that the shotgun should be for the noobs.......

3. I dont have that much of a problem with the snipers, just the fact that some people could go to the same spot every round and just pick people off. I mean, is that fun? Get a god d amn life already!!! sheash!

4. rocket fags, all I gotta say is '' keep fraggin '' zooka:

5. the most intense weapon to walk the earth...... the rifle!!!!!! this weapon is powerful, but takes lots of skill. I know that I have virtually masterd the rifle, but still, I have been playing for a while with that thing. Thats mah bitch!!!! Soon, I woud be able to take on 3 shotgun whores at once, even shoot people across levels, definetly the best choice as far as normal weapons are conserned......... I hope this inspired everyone. bigzooka:
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