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[504th]Arens is Offline
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Location: Maas-Waal Canal Bridge, Netherlands. (Dug-in, dodging bullets all over the place)
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Default 12-13-2002, 04:14 AM

Originally Posted by Surgeon
IF you look at a light entity when its selected you will see 2 circles, an inner cirlce and an outer one. You will get leaks if any part of the inner circle 'touch the void'... Check the lights again to see if any of them do this.
Hmmmmz?! None of my lights are touching the void...! Could there be lights that are invisible in MOHRadiant? Any other possible way to get rid of the error message?

And could this light leaking be the cause of my vis problems? I thought light and vis were different processes, which would mean that there is yet an other problem concerning the vis...

Anyone know more?
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