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Default 12-13-2002, 12:22 PM

OK, I sorry, but I really don't suggest all the advice you guys gave. Not all of it, but most.

1) P4 1300mhz - This can be upgraded. Most likely, the CPU slot is the older 478 which only runs at 400mhz FSB. The newer slot, 423, runs at 533mhz FSB, and uses a different processor chip. I would suggest a new motherboard, either by Asus, Intel, or ABit, that has a 533FSB/Socket 423 P4 slot, and get a P4 chip of about 2Ghrz. The standard today is about 2.2Ghrz, so whichever you want. The highest is 3.06, but thats $700. For about $250, you can get a 2.5Ghrz chip.

384 MG - I'm guessing you mean MEGS, MEGS of RAM. Well, most Intel-based boards come with DDR slots for RAM now, but I still prefer the RDRAM. Rudedog and I both use this, except his runs at PC-1066 and mine is PC-800 (Rich bastard! lol) Anyways, the only DDR RAM that matches the speed of PC-800 RDRAM is the DDR 3500, which is reletively new. (about a month or two old). If you can afford it, or 1066 RDRAM, go for that. Otherwise, stick with PC-800 RDRAM. If you cannot get that, get the DDR. 256MB is good, 512MB is plenty.

RADEON 7500 64MB - Good card, but you can do better. biggrin: I would defineatly start by using a card with 128MB of RAM. Now, if you decide to stick with RADEON, I would up to at least a 8500. If you decide to go NVidia, I would get at least a GF3. See, alot of people don't know this, but the GF3 Ti 200 is actually worse than the original GF3. The order goes "GF3 Ti 200 -- GF3 -- GF3 Ti 500" If you can afford a GF4, go for it. But whatever you do, stay away from MX.

Until then, you can do small things to up your system. Increase ur virtual memory to 2X ur physical, then round it off to the nearest 100. (384 X 2 = 762 rounded = 800. Make the Minimum 800, and the Max 850.

Try to defrag your hard drive about once every other week.

If you have a registry cleaner (, run that once about every other week also.

Hope that helps. Good luck!
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