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Hack scanner mod ... admins must have
-=Timber|CODE=- is Offline
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Default Hack scanner mod ... admins must have - 12-13-2002, 01:13 PM

Okay ... as we all know the honesty config is easy to fool ... so it's just like nothing.

Also asking for screenshot ... useless. It's easy to play with no-fog, white textures (except on players) and wallhack and give a screenshot showing everything is okay.

So I took a little time and made a script to replace the honesty.cfg and to prevent the screenshot fooling by a server side admin tool. It's basicly simple MOHAA scripting but it has almost anything you need to catch a cheater.

1. Hack-scan
It can be done 2 ways, instantly or periodically. With this you can easily catch ppl. who don't use or fool the honesty cfg. With this you can easily catch those who have their MOHAA exe hacked. Also it sets a random_number variable on the client so you can be sure that his setu command is not hacked.

2. Instant Screenshot
You give a command to the console and everyone makes a screenshot in that second. To prevent pre-made screenshots to be sent it prints a random 3 digit number on the screen. Same for everyone. Also when the shot is done it prints a DONE on the screen (but not seen on the screenshot) so it prevents ppl. to make the screenshot manually later. This all goes less in a second.

3. Alias scan
This one was made to prevent ppl. to hack the alias command and by that replace it with some kinda script (to turn off cheats for example). So if you set an alias (and this script sets an alias) then you can be sure that they've that alias set. ^.^

Features to be developped:
4. Personal screenshot
This is the same as Insta Screenshot just with only one person.

5. Admin mode
This is used to set the admin person so only he will get the responses from the script.

Current version: 1.2

Comments? Toughts?
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