12-13-2002, 10:34 PM
I do agree that someone on high needs to add a fair amount of splash damage to the german rocket grenade. The only time I ever get shot with one is almost point blank when you surprise someone holding down the trigger, only to have you Explode and him take no damage. I dont think anyone actually shot those weapons as closely as they are used in this game. (stairways, closed rooms etc) The gewehrgranate round explodes on impact with the force of a large grenade. They were not used for inter room warfare, they were used for precision explosions when mortarts werent available. I would say the splash damage would be more than a grenade if you were close.
Its a grenade. It should have splash damage. But it doesnt.
So until they change the spash damage on it those little evil tits are gonna continue exploiting the german rocket rifle like n00b5